Long term stock 5 year

Hi friends I am new for share market I want to buy stock for minimum 5 years which companies best for beginners please suggest me for good and not make big correction but stock no need fancy and popular give me some advice

Hi Nagarajan, you should never rely on others advice to trade or invest in the stock market, rather you should make your own informed decisions. As you are new to the stock market, would like to advise you to learn more about this fielder, this will help you in better understanding things and making your own decisions. You can start here:

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ok thank you so much shubh quick reply for me very kind advice to me thanks again

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@nagarajan1 buy britannia kotak mahindra and hdfc in small quantities at various prices. In five years your wealth will grow. u will never regret

Always go for quality stocks in any sector.

it is easy to buy stocks on others recommendation but it is also sure shot way of losing your money…

say you buy a stock after being recommended by someone, it isn’t necessary that it will do up only, without proper understanding do you know when to exit? how much loss is enough? how much are you willing to lose on particular stock?

success in share market isn’t guaranteed, this game is all about money management, if you do it smartly and with patience you will surely find success but not instantly… so first spend time learning basics and then bet with real money… markets will remain here forever, once you lose your money it won’t.

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Hi Nagarajan, I would recommend not to buy recommendations. In the book " A random walk down the wall street" the author mentions that “a blindfolded monkey throwing darts at a newspaper’s financial pages could select a portfolio that would do just as well as one carefully selected by experts". I’d recommend you to invest some time and read and educate yourself than by just putting all your hard earned money into people’s favorite stock. Hope this helps.

thank you