Markets and Macros by TradingQnA: The almighty dollar

“The dollar is our currency, but it’s your problem.” - John Connally, former US Treasury secretary.

:scroll: In this issue of Markets and Macros;

  • :heavy_dollar_sign:What does a strong dollar mean for the global economy?
  • Highlights from RBIs Aug bulletin and more… :point_down:
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:money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :moneybag: :moneybag:

Who wouldn’t? :grin:

Central banks across the board are trying to defend their currencies against :dollar:

We saw how USDINR gave up 80 and did a breakout today

On the other side, Japanese central bank intervened and tried to stop the depreciation of yen (145 to 141.5 in a single day)