Mobile Apps For Qna varsity and Margin Calculator

Can we have a Mobile App for Margin Calculator, Trading Qna and Varsity? we all use this in a regular basis its hard to go via web-browser… may be one app with all three capability :slight_smile:

As always Zerodha Rock. much impressed with its tool and its capabilities. Especially read all the articles from Karthik. R in Varsity.

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Both tradingqna and Varsity are highly responsive websites…they adapt quite well to your smartphone screen size. But yes, eventually we may come up with an app for this :slight_smile:

Chrome mobile essentially allows you create an app for websites called a Progressive Web App. So go TradingQnA on your mobile, click the settings menu and select “Add to Home screen”

If you check your home screen a PWA would have been created for TradingQnA. A handy feature of PWAs is that you can download the content for offline viewing too. You can do the same for Varsity but not for margin calculator.