MTF(Margin Trading Facility)

Why there is 10L limit on per stock
This is very less, Increase it

Because we kept that limit while taking MTF live, we will increase it soon.

@siva please bring the feature convert to delivery - thats most important - this only is pending

Yeah, we are working on it, we will bring it soon.

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Any ETA?

Couple more weeks.

We should enable Margin Trading Facility (MTF) without any OTP like Mstock. Currently, there is no longer requirement of any OTP to buy stocks in MTF. Could you also make this seemless since CDSL site at times becomes too slow and OTP takes forever to come.

Also, please limit on each stocks/ETF is currently 10 restricted to 10 lakh each.
Nifty and Banknifty lot size itself is more than 15 lakh then keeping limit on these conservative ETF should at least be raised to at least 20 lakh and stocks can be 10 lakh. Please look into this @nithin @siva

There is no need to use any OTP now, from last Monday this new change into existence for every broker.

We have already increased the limit to 50 lakhs, per stock, last week.

include a separate MTF column in Holding page in kite - and give a option convert to delivery also -

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Already one can select only MTF as below. Conversion will be available in a week or two.


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so how would it work? there is no need of pleding at all for MTF? or i need to pledge it next day?

You just buy in MTF product type, similar to cnc, nothing else to do.

Yeah, but I still got an email from CDSL regarding approving the MTF trade yesterday. Though prior to this, my MTF trade was successful and did not need OTP.

Can you check why that happened @siva

No need of doing anything from your side, you can create ticket with that email to know the exact reason for that email.