Must-read article for a trader

Do You Have What It Takes To Successfully Trade Financial Markets?
Excellent piece of writing from Brett Steenbarger.


Nice article

Quote from the article

“the elite traders succeed because they see things that others miss, and that is a function of how they process information, not just their personality traits.”

Elsewhere I read an interview by a retired security analyst (not a trader -but provides his analysis to traders in an investment firm) who said the successful traders are the one who knew by intuition that the trend is over or trend is changing etc… This just occurred to them.

What is intuition: Its the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.

Reading psychological studies about intuition, how it works, what it does is very interesting topic for me.


Yes you need to read these kind of article in order to enhance your knowledge and get motivation. You need to feel confident on the Forex market as you have to compete with million of other traders. You must have some unique skills for gaining profit here.

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