No soup for BSE? BANKNIFTY to expire on fridays!

Just when bse thought they could get some of the action of the weeklies (sensex/bankex friday expiries), nse changes banknifty expiry to friday!

Is sensex/bankex ever going to get any traction?

@Ashwin_kumar1 you brought in such a good news to start the day !

@viswaram here’s to hoping we have a liquid expiry every day of the week! :clinking_glasses:

Bankex will have to go to Wed - but evenso the impact wont be that big now. Will take time to build liquidity.

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midcapnifty :joy:

Bse has one months time to get liquidity. If they somehow manage to get decent liquidity, then I think it will continue with same volume. Bankex may find it difficult to compete, but Sensex should do fine.
If given a chance to choose with good liquidity in both, I would prefer Sensex because of lesser volatility. Suits my style of trading.

Given bse has lower charges and sensex is a more stable index than banknifty, bse should win the friday liquidity. but historically, better products don’t always win the fight so it’s anybody’s guess.

When is this change effective?
Furthermore clear a thing for me
All BSE Index F&O expires on Friday now along with Banknifty
Nifty 50 Yet Expires on Thursdays
Finifty and Midcapnifty Expires on Tuesdays
is it all correct or am I missing something here?

Finnifty is TUE and MidcapNifty is on WED

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14th july will be the 1st friday expiry for banknifty


finnifty tuesday, midcapnifty Wednesday


seems like NSE is not shifting BANKNIFTY to fridays - unconfirmed reports from twitter !

can check here

On a different note, we may see a big spike in bse also tomorrow. Unless some of them already knew and this is priced in.
