Options trading : settle price

While studying about options, I was looking the historical data of a call option at NSE.com which is going to expire on 30-Aug. Its data on the starting days of last one month says that it has an open price = 0.00, high price =0.00, low price of =0.00, close price =2.75 settle price =1.50 & open interest =0.

Close price is 2.75 and settle price has a value between 0.85 to 9.4 with open interest =0 , on some days .

Can some body plz explain that how to interpret this data? when the open price is 0 and high low both are 0 then how is the close price 2.75?
what is the settle price which is 0.85 - 9.4 when the close price is fixed at 2.75 only and open interest is 0.

Kindly refer to the historical data of ADANIENT 170 strike price call option available at nse.com from 28th June to 27th July for expiry of 30-Aug.

Will be looking forward for your valuable insights.

…!! no replies in 24 hours…? amazing…!! is this such a worthless question

When there is no trading, close price is arrived based on theoretical calculations. NSE has their own internals models based on some reputed option pricing models to arrive at this close price.

Thanks for your reply.
So kindly let me know that, are these prices only virtual or one can buy an option at these prices?

Your above query make me believe you are new to options, I suggest you to go through this to understand about options in detail before trading in them.
Prices are real, if counter party is available trade will go through but thyself should be in position to analyse if the price make any sense before placing any order.