Physical Hardcopy of Annual Report of Company?

How to get a Physical Hardcopy Annual Report of Company?
As we are getting it on Our Email
Can we opt for both email+Physical Hardcopy?
And can we also get Hardcopy of Investor Presentation?

To save trees, and to save ourselves all are opting for electronic format, although AFAIK investors can request for a hard copy.

Some ARs as documents are sent to the email, some are not, but the documents are available in multiple websites.

AFAIK investor presentations will not be available as hard copies, I don’t think companies have to do that.

Imagine buying 1 share of a penny stock and requesting for hard copies that are mailed to your address :smiley:

All you have to do is buy a ton of Companies, and then sell the paper for scrap. Not bad at inr. 10-15 per Kg on inr. 1 investment :stuck_out_tongue:

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Don’t remember, but heard something similar somewhere.

On a serious note, I think you can even attend AGMs even if you have bought 1 share.

What’s the Process to Opt for Physical Hardcopy BTW?

E mail request to co for copy of annual report in physical form OR e mail /written request to your DP to mark it only annual report as physical or you can even request to mark all (dividend and other correspondence ) to be received as physical .

Nithin said that or tweeted something similar…

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SEBI Extends Relaxation For Companies To Send Hard Copies Of Annual Reports To Shareholders.

The LODR rules require listed companies to dispatch a hard copy of the statement containing salient features of all the documents – financial statements, board’s report, auditor’s report – to those shareholders who have not registered their email addresses.

However, SEBI said listed entities are required to send hard copies of full annual reports to those shareholders who request the same.


It was a great idea posted on indiastreetbets reddit. :smiley:

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