Pi tradescript strategy code


Need help for coding the particular strategy,

Strategy 1 : Give signal when,

(a) Ehler Fisher transform reverses from top ie Trigger value becomes greater than signal value, AND

(b) Elder bear power > 0, AND

(c) Elder bear power > Elder Bull power

Strategy 2 : Give signal when,

(a) Ehler Fisher transform reverses from bottom ie Trigger value becomes less than signal value, AND

(b) Elder Bull power > 0, AND

(c) Elder Bull power > Elder Bear power

Also, how to use the above strategies for scanning the selected scripts for a particular timeframe in Pi

Thanks in advance

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the above cant be coded in tradescript as those indicators are not available in tradescript language

these indicators are available in Pi. Would like to create a scripted alert / scanner based on the indicators parameters defined above, so is there any other option for doing the same in Pi

Hello ,
Do u got any idea of how to code for above scenario?

How to develop new indicators for Pi and import there?