Privacy Mode Feedback

Just saw the Privacy mode feature which is great tool which I didn’t realize I needed :slight_smile:

One request is in the Positions page though it hides the Total PnL and Qty, however it keeps showing the contract level PnL. This beats the purpose of having a privacy setting turned On. Ideally only the LTP and Avg price should be shown.


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this can be improved there’s not much point in hiding AVG COST if I’m showing my holdings to someone :eyes:
hiding quantity and PL make sense though @ShubhS9

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Yeah, this got missed. This is how it should show up. We will fix it soon.

Hi Abhijeet,

The is fixed now. With Privacy Mode enabled, the contract-wise P&L will no longer be displayed under positions.

The primary objective of privacy mode is to protect sensitive information such as account value and profit and loss (PNL) data while clients are using the platform in public or during screen sharing. Displaying the average purchase price may still allow for the calculation of the PNL percentage, thereby not fully serving the purpose of privacy mode.


It makes sense too

Hi Team,

Is this feature only for Web, I can’t find this on Mobile app.
It would be very useful, if the same can be pushed to mobile app as well, since majority of orders are placed via mobile.

This feature is very useful though :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, this feature is currently available on the web platform and will soon be made available on the app as well.

@Arockiya_Raja @DhanushK

I just found one thing in privacy mode that our ID is visible in web, in app its fine…

I will look into this.

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