Sure, thanks Siva. Maintaining extra margin is the way to go.
However, I am asking something different:
In the thread shared by Meher, Sam says that the position won’t be squared off. But in another thread, Nithin mentions that they can be - (The superiority of spreads and their absolutely dismal state - #19 by nithin)]
In one message in the thread Meher shared, Sam says that short margin penalty will be applicable. But in another he is saying that there will be no margin penalty. Can this be clarified?
What happens at Wednesday EoD [around the end of expiry, let’s say at 3:25 pm] if the bought leg’s premium is close to zero. Will my position be treated as a naked sell? If yes, will the margin requirement increase exponentially?
Here, I am asking what will happen at 3:25 when both my legs are open. Not at expiry. -
“If the market is going up, it make sense to go with Put calendar spread. And vice versa [market falling, Call calendar spread better] .” Is this true? We are talking in terms of margin requirement not going up.
Feature request I made to Sensibull is something I still think is feasible. This is because all the parameters affecting margin [viz, IVs, greeks etc.] are already present on the Strategy Builder page and can be tweaked to desired level, to see the actual margin.