Retired Govt. Official and Stock Trading/Investing

Please throw some light on the following queries?

  1. Is it legal if someone who is a retired Govt. officer (State Govt. ) to do intraday trading and/or invest in equity?

  2. Also, is it possible for the spouse of a retired Govt. officer to do intraday trading and/or invest in equity, provided there are no adverse repercussions later on for getting the pension for the spouse.

Thank you.

@Quicko Can you.

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Hey @Jupiter77,

Here are the responses to your queries:

  1. It is allowed for retired Govt. officer to invest in equity or do derivative trading
  2. It is possible for the spouse of a retired Govt. officer to invest in equity or do derevative trading and there will be no adverse repercussions later on for getting a pension for the spouse.

Note: A lot depends on the government post you held. However, there are no legal issues for a retired officer to invest in equity or do intraday trading. Read more about CCS Conduct Rules, 1964 to know more about trading activities for government officers.