ROCE/Return on Yield Data for Listed companies in India

I would like to analyse stocks on NSE and BSE on two parameters , Return on Capital Employed and  Company's earnings yield (EBIT / enterprise value

I am looking for stock wise data to import in Excel and analyse. I have heard of databases like Capitaline but they are paid services. Do we know of any free data sources like moneycontrol or IIFL or anything from where I can get them . Link if any will be appreciated.

I am looking to downlaod stockwise/sector wise data for the same


Not sure if this data is available for download. I prefer Morningstar India or screener dot in for such research.

how about capitaline ?

SCreener was brilliant . I found exactly what I wanted . Thank you for pointing me to those links

How do you export data from morningstar ? Any way to export to excel ?

Note sure about the export feature on Morning star.