SELL and BUY waiting time

Although this topic has already been addressed a couple of time, including by Nitin himself, may I please ask some more clarifications on the following:

  1. If one sells a stock, can he/she buy another stock immediately, or does he/she have to wait for the proceeds to come. If he/she has to wait, wait for how long incases a) delivery, b) Futures, c) intraday, d) delivery sell but future buy.

Thanks in advance.

Whenever you sell a stock from your holdings, proceeds are immediately credited to your account, you don’t have to wait before buying another stock.

Then what is the recent change in the rule “T+2 waiting hullabaloo”
Am i missing something

The T+2 thing is, you cannot use Intraday profits made Equity and F&O until they are settled, the settlement take T+2 days for Equity and T+1 for F&O.

There are other changes as well, request you to go through this post, it has been explained in detail there.

Thank you very much.