Shares Buy Back

1.Who can participate in Share Buyback? Like founders, Retailers, AMCs

  1. How does share buyback work in open market eg: Current infosys share buyback @ShubhS9

All the persons who hold shares of the company as of the record date are eligible to participate in the buyback. These can be, Promoters, Mutual Fund’s, Retail shareholders.

In an open market buyback, the company buys shares by actively buying from sellers on the exchange platform. The company mentions the period of buyback in the buyback offer. These buybacks usually last for months as the company has to ensure that there isn’t significant price appreciation due to its buying activity.

One thing to note here is, the company can buy shares only at or below the Maximum Buyback Price, which is Rs. 1,750 in the case of Infosys.

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