Sincere note Nitin and Siva


It’s been more than a year complaints has been raised, not just from few clients. Many!

Issue with saving charting Layout in Tradinview. This is not a new issue. Releasing incomplete product, in addition, ignoring 100s of complaints on this note. Worst thing is, almost year passed.

Can you guys really can’t do anything about it?

I can only assume that they don’t want clients to use tradingview but force them to use only chartiq charts … ridiculous practices.

How dare you say that? Zerodha is the world’s best broker as per them and they regularly do us charity by giving world class tools.

As per them, Kite is the finest piece of software on the planet with very poor (oops!), I meant sophisticated tastes in software design.

Kite 3. Bravo!

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