Skeptic Indian Business and free running China business

Hi I have been working in the finance industry for around 5 years now. i have worked with people from US, China and India. I have noticed a trend where people in India are very skeptic and second guessing of new contacts in business and they don’t like people selling them stuff. While in China people are very free minded in terms of business. They do deals very quick and generally trusting of people in business.
This opinion has been gathered from my personal experience, As I have wanted to work with Indian clients with quiet some time, and avoided pursuing china clients, I have had no success getting any Indian clients. And due to this I am forced to go back to work with Chinese clients to avoid business failure.
This is just personal opinion. Feel free to share your thoughts. I am a startup consultant by the way. I help clients setup business in western countries mostly in the Finance sector.
Vande Matram. I love India.