Strike price is outside the allowed range

today the range allowed is just 900 pts. on bank nifty…@siva-reddy

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Did you fill that form?

I filled up that form long ago bro
I gave you ticket no.

For Orbis, Zerodha moves the existing account to Orbis, is that correct? It means I can not use the pledged securities with Zerodha as collateral margin after I move to Orbis.

What is the reason for restriction on allowing pledged security or liquid funds as collateral margin on Orbis? Is Zerodha working on removing this restriction with Orbis?

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Will check on possibility in coming days.

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Today the range allowed was only 300 points, siva bhai ye kya ho raha hai?? Do we need 1 crore account to transfer to orbis?? Please reply.

As of now the range for buying NIFTY options is 11000-11650. This is extremely narrow range, its getting more and more tight range in last few days.

Looks like there is no other solution possible from Zerodha in near or medium term.

Orbis is one way, but that has it’s own restriction on collateral margin.

@siva-reddy @nitin is this taken care ? when are you planning to allow to buy some deep (roughly 5% above/below ) otm call or put ??

Currently if you have taken Short position you can take Long position in strikes outside allowed range to hedge your position, You can Buy Options to the extent of quantity you have shorted.

thanks shubh. when did got implemented ? Not sure if this is updated in zerodha . Because the margin calculator page still shows only bank nifty for current week Bank is very small range …

–snip of the allowed range—

Nifty contracts allowed for trading

Current Week- 22000 TO 22400 CE & PE
Next week- 21500 TO 22800 CE & PE
All other expiries- 21500 TO 22900 CE & PE
More information

@ShubhS9 @Sensibull In what order sensibull executes order?

Does it always execute buy first?

I want to take advantage of 1:1 sell buy Far OTM feature ., But in case sensibull execute buy first. It can’t be possible. Screenshot from 2020-08-17 10-29-38

@siva-reddy @ShubhS9 see i took short position first …tried to buy otm to hedge …but order got blocked

Screenshot please.

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@siva-reddy i squared off …it was naked short …you know the consequences …anyway 21300 pe sell (got executed) and 20800pe buy (got blocked)

If you can message me your ID, I can get it checked.

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@siva-reddy My bad , it is going through …i checked again…may be some tech issue …thanks

@siva-reddy what if someone short ten lots and bought ten lot of out of range and then sqaured of all of short positions​:grimacing::grimacing:

Yeah, these things do happen but can’t do anything.

can we buy same qty as open short positions? for example if i short 1 lot of Nifty 11500 CE, can i buy only 1 lot of 11600 CE or i can buy more lots?

i.e. is qty linked with open short positions? coz sometimes we want to do ratio spreads and strategies in ratio so wanted to know this.

You can only buy quantity equal to the number of quantity you have shorted, not more than that.