Suppose someone wants to invest Rs. 1crore in an IPO, then is it guaranteed that he will be able to invest whole amount or is there some ceiling beyond which an individual can not invest?

If one is applying as an individual, the maximum you can apply for is Rs.2,00,000. Applications received where the bid amount is more than Rs.2,00,000 will be rejected if applied as individual.

If you want to make a bid for more than Rs.2,00,000, you’ve to choose the category as HNI (High Networth Individual)


There are few categories defined by regulators and according to the limit set to particular category only one can invest.

The categories include

  1. Retail investors.2) High networth individuals (HNI). 3) Non institutional bidders. 4) Qualified institutional bidders.

Based on the category limits are defined. If one is under Retail category max upto 2 lakhs only one can invest, if wish to invest more they has to apply via HNI route or other.


What is the maximum allowed investing amount?