Terms of issue of securities

What the terms that the issuer of securities provides @ the time of raising capital??


What is the meaning of this line

The issuer of security provides the term on which the capital is being raised

This site is probably one of the hardest for understanding I met for terminology of trading. Are there some glossary. Each topic is filled with no less than MBA and Professors in trading and so on. I am still newbie in all this and I am desperate a bit;)

If you want money from me, I’ll ask you a few things:

  1. What will you use the money for?
  2. How long will you keep my money for? (If its equity, then possibly forever)
  3. What returns will you provide to me?
  4. What are my rights?

The above list is not exhaustive. When you’re raising capital you will address concerns like the ones above. Those are the terms you propose. If the subscriber to the issue finds them agreeable then they will give you their money.