There are quite a few negative reviews about Zerodha on sites like Mouthshut, are these even real?

Firstly, there are going to be some bad reviews for every business in the world. It is not possible for anyone to keep 100% of clients happy. Secondly, when a business is doing well, there are always bound to be competitors trying to take this route of mudslinging to hurt our reputation by posting these online. Also, in today’s world people mostly have the tendency to post bad reviews than good ones. Some of the review sites encourage users to do so as their business model is to go back to the business and say that they can help remove the bad reviews.

What I’d want you to know though is that we are the fastest growing brokerage in India. We have added the most number of active clients in the last 1 year in India, and all without spending a single penny on advertisement. More than even banks who are brokers. We have done this without the leverage of branch/banking client leverage that ICICI, Kotak etc of the world have. Business grown only through word of mouth advertising. This wouldn’t happen, if our clients weren’t happen with our products and services.

Be rest assured on this, the only thing all of us are working on 24/7 is to keep our clients happy. On a similar question posted online about some rumors being spread online about Zerodha, I had answered this. Maybe you should read that also