There are several GOLD ETFs in BSE. Which one should I choose for buying?

There are several gold ETFs in BSE. On Dhanteras extended trading session, I would like to buy one among these! Which one is commonly purchased?{D472BFE4-6C6F-4290-8623-87F8779CD269}&noticeno=20141017-31&dt=10/17/20

Anyone who invests in Gold can shed some knowledge?

Is there any criterion based on which I should choose?

Will this gold etf units go into my Demat Account like shares?

How to sell them, like selling normal shares?

Can I transfer these to some other Demat Account through DP slips?

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ETFs work like shares. So they will go to your demat account. And you will buy and sell them as normal shares. I think GOLDBEES is the best one because it has highest volume and your order will get executed at the price you want. Also Goldman Sachs is very big and reputed mutual fund. And on the second place is SBIGETS.

The most liquid one in my opinion would be Goldman BeeS.

The criterion would be similar to how you’d choose a mutual fund - you’d look at past performance, the expense ratio etc. Gold BeeS is said to have the lowest expense ratio which is favorable to the investor.

Yes, the Gold ETF’s would land in your demat account just like shares do and you can sell them likewise.


I don't have much knowledge about the Gold market but I also trade in bullion market. For this when I was reading to get deep knowledge about it,  We should keep in mind, when going to invest in gold market or bullion market. They were also suggesting which type gold we have to buy.  It was beneficial for me as new trader.

Some more option I found here to trade.