Tradingqna community virtual meet up

We should have a in-person meet atleast once a year!


yup …we trader really need this
traders can discuss its hapiness and sadness only with traders

And where would that meeting place be? How many would actually travel for this?

That would be possible once the active community members are large enough. Gonna take some time

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People will travel if the pros of meeting outweigh its costs.

If we build a community that strong enough - it may be worth it in the long run for all the participants.

Let us give it a try, no harm in trying right?


With you @viswaram personally I’d travel for a meet up but as @Meher_Smaran said it would only work if there’s enough people ready for it.
But again it’s nice to light the spark now let it slowly become a wild fire.

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Absolutely with you on this.

We are trying to improve the quality of content and hopefully, going forward we’ll be able to build a strong community full of both knowledgeable traders/investors and new learners.


Make this the vision and mission statement of trading qna :star2:

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I don’t mind traveling. But if we are talking about stock market, then am out. If we are going for a trek or just a party then may be I will consider travelling. :smiling_face:


Well said @Jason_Castelino :clap:
A hangout or something worth the adrenaline :smiley:


If I have to talk about Markets and economy I just have to attend few conferences which are hosted by Icai which we regularly have. I skip all of them. :rofl::rofl:

As a student I also get a lot of mails :joy: such a pain to delete all of them :slight_smile:
Never got one about markets and economy is that members only?
I only get about GST and returns and changes in Audit disclosures :slight_smile:

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Yes. It’s usually for members.


Anything planned this weekend ??

We’re working from office and some of us are travelling back home this weekend.

Also,let’s share the date in advance so that lot of people can also join in. Maybe we will tweet the date and plan in advance so that we can also get new audience.


Love to join the meet

sorry I can’t join. Private mode is ON.

Hi all,

Shall we have a virtual meet-up soon? It’s been a while. @Jason_Castelino has come forward to take the initiative to host this one. What say? @ all

I’m sure there are lots of interesting things to discuss.

Please specify the date and time when it would be ideal for most of us to join. I’m okay with anything that you all decide.


I’m in for this :slight_smile: