US Equity Timeline

Hi everyone, just thought to start a thread on when would the direct US Equity investment service start on Zerodha, to my understanding it has been a year (considering the twitter post from 2019) and no update as of yet. Does anyone know when or have a certain timeline? Or when the cost of such service to the investors? Also if this is read by Nithin Kamath, thanks for Zerodha! hopefully you can elaborate on the direct US Equity investments timeline

We’ve explained the reason for the delay here

So again what can be the timeline for the same? When can Indian investors expect to invest in direct US equities via Zerodha? Even considering the delay of a few days the delay of this service can cause a delay in your returns too, consider this that Apple which is now at 350$ from the 180$ range last year, there’s a potential opportunity loss all because of the unavailability if the platform.

If you are a long term investor and send that money to be invested after it has been done, the investor can see a potential increase in his portfolio as the small costs relating to remittances become irrelevant.

We are working with our banking partners to figure this out. Hopefully, we should have some good news soon.

Hopefully in a few months…