Weekly trading diary : 23rd Feb - 1st March 2018 - Updated Thread

Not now :slight_smile: will do it on markets money. I lost about 2 lks on options so on hold a little

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Bro there is no markets money :smile: … What is with you is yours no matter it comes from market…

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Yup but there is a difference between your invested capital and the capital gain from profit :slight_smile:

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do you think market will make a big move on any side ? i think mkt will try to settle for timebeing

if i buy this , i will make it reverse condor by selling 10200 PE and 10800 CE to compensate for the time decay and wait till wednesday :blush:

May i know from where are you getting this bubble map?

Looks cool though.

Okay, Thank you for Info.

zerodha please solve your problems with cover limit order… i put a limit cover order 4rs away… and it got executed at market price… had to cut off at small point loss, but if you want to charge brokerage and tax just ask me dont do such bullshit

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SBI Smart.

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They don’t need to ask for that it’s automatically debited from your account at the end of the day :slight_smile:

i meant why they executed at market order when it was limit order… obviously it will be charged at end of day… but if thats what they want then i can pay upfront no need for this bullshit

They anyway gonna get the brokerage and tax doesn’t matter if it’s market or limit order. Can you post the screenshot of the order?

Be Specific at what Price BUY or SELL? What was LTP When you Placed Order??

Another day… another blunder…

@AmJay Just Simply Answer one Que Your Heart Beat Increase when you place order?

Yes, it does.
Please tell why u asked this?

It looks like the worst is over for PNB :slight_smile:

Today’s currency trade :slightly_smiling_face:

I think Federal Bank is better, even in today’s falling market , Federal Bank is up

Missed a big profit in pnb. Wish I had exited my short position earlier.