What are some of your biggest trading mistakes and what did you learn from them?

My fav books:

  1. Reminiscenses of a Stock Operator - Edwin Lefevre
    Nearly 100 years old.

  2. The Original Turtle Trading Rules - Curtis Faith
    This is a FREE book. Taught me what a “REAL” trading plan/methodology/system looks like. However, don’t follow his trading rules verbatim today, too many false breakouts.

  3. Money Management Report - Van Tharp
    Non-technical (no advanced math) report in a very easy to understand language about money management.

Interviews with the best traders:
4. Market Wizards - Jack Schwager
5. The New Market Wizards - Jack Schwager
6. The Stock Market Wizards - Jack Schwager

You can download and read these books (and many more) for free via the site in this post

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