Everyone keep saying that “you must have second source of income if you choose to be a trader in market” but what can be that source as trading takes all day and you do not left with any further time to do any other job. PLEASE help me with your views and opinions.
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Pertaining to trading profession you can conduct trainings on paid basis, etc. like what BSE2NSE manikandan does/did. But you should gain sufficient knowledge before doing this. You can also write books as strategies etc, like Art of Stock Investing from Manikandan. I could not believe he sold so many copies of that, with little investment.
Other professions like
- Computer Coaching Centre from 5 pm to 10 pm. (You can work as instructor also, even if you dont own one)
- Lecturer for part time college (evening or weekend courses)
- Any small scale manufacturing such as paper cups etc.
- Fast Food Centre 5 pm to 10 pm (you only need to manage, with 2 or 3 cook and helpers and a small shop in some good spot, ofcourse you need to commission the local dhadhas or ruling party members etc. But returns will be very good.)
- I will add as and when I get few other ideas.
There are many actually, you should choose which one you are good at.
Many work from home opportunities.
Try some MLM opportunities, if you are good at it (I mean if you have good/strong social contacts)
Try web designing or other designing related if u have interest get trained and start work,as both trading and web are related to system.you dont need to step out of computer.