What should be the monthly income for a family of 4 to survive

Relax man. Guys eating peanuts say cashew nuts are over priced and not worth it. :love_you_gesture:

This is my neighbour’s story. He was into business of building apartments. 2003-07 real estate was doing well. Prices were doubling every alternate year. He got out of his limits. Took huge debts and bought overpriced lands. 2013-14 market started correcting and all his money got blocked in unsold inventory.
He had even taken a loan from a UP Government cabinet minister. People came to know about it after that minister gave advertisement in local newspapers that Mr ABC had taken loans from me and didn’t pay so from now on all his properties are mine.
Today that Mr ABC lives on rent in same house which he once owned.

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As always. You might not have read other posts yet. Some day you will make peace with it.
Sometimes being silent doesn’t mean you agree with the other person. It just means that you see no relevance giving your opinion.

Forget education, it costs 1.5lakhs to delivery a baby. Only the ones with kids will understand the expenses a family has to bear.
Now to save 1.5lakhs should we go to government hospital ?
Apples and oranges can’t be compared.

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out of topic i know and i wont continue to avoid accidentally getting pulled into other healthy debate :slight_smile:

And i am not really saying choice is wrong - but - read multiple times that private guys are much more likely to do needless operations and procedures. Ex - High prevalence of cesarean section births in private sector health facilities- analysis of district level household survey-4 (DLHS-4) of India - PMC.
Link is just 1st google search result but read it multiple times over last few years in news. I am no doctor though…

Also, i like peanuts :slight_smile: Plus more fibre and protein in them vs Cashew.

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Expensive is not always the best.
Pizza/Burger is more expensive than fresh veggies and everyone knows what is good.

Absolutely agree. But what can we even do? Either I keep complaining or just accept the harsh reality. But when you have to chose between a private hospital or a government one which one would you go for. ? Will you risk the life of your wife and baby? Will you see the cost involved or just take the safer route.
My wife had a nornal safe delivery in a private hospital and am still saying the expense is so much. So you can imagine what the cost would when been if it was c section delivery.

Hahahaha. I like both. :rofl::rofl::rofl: I was just saying we can’t compare them. Both have their own pros and cons. But I can’t imply my opinion to others too.

Just one post. Wont reply further to you.

From whatever i have read I have never seen you understand/accept other’s point of view and correct your own if warranted. And certainly in case of our discussion on risk where i am pretty sure you spoke without understanding, projecting a puny sample into strong beliefs.

Weak opinions, strongly held is the feeling i get from almost all of your replies even where i might get some of what you are saying.

Anyway, good day.


Very strongly agree. :+1:

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I am very logical guy, I don’t mix these feelings (ego, righteousness, pride, strong opinion , weak opinion etc) with money matters(investment, trading etc.) its a terrible mix, I would say the same thing to you that stop mixing feelings with money and see things very logically. If you didn’t understand , if you don’t get the full picture, If you are not understanding what you are doing, then don’t use it or apply it. Its that simple. This applies not just to whatever nuances , ideas , strategy , perspective /opinions I give , it is for every other source. You don’t understand options, don’t trade it. You don’t understand crypto then don’t put your feet there!. No question of feelings. I hope this is clear!

Logic should dictate & results should be the judge. I am very result driven which is quite seen as judgmental ironically. To a fair point I understand other side’s point of view & sympathize with their perspective, but the results are not there!, still they did their best to improvise but the results weren’t there. They knew the mistakes & shortcomings & wrong approach yet they continued kicking the can down the road. At that point I certainly wouldn’t bother accept their point of view. The results have shown the reality. (referring to people that traded with worse strategy or were not having trading psychology and ended up losing lakhs)

If you take our case, we have conflicting opinions particularly on drawdowns i.e risk management & RR. Now my perspective was based on my results of making 6%. I am also quite aware you didn’t thoroughly get my MM or whatever I said. Even though we have conflicting perspectives it works for you, your methods work for you. If it works, I accept your perspective, will drilldown on the details and learn something out of it. I think it works for you other wise if your risk management wasn’t there , MM wasn’t there you wouldn’t be sustaining this much time, I would drilldown the details sometime short and find something useful for me. This is how I grow.

As far this little squabble with this yoga guy, I said my perspective. I studied in cbse board for the entire 12 years along with my friends and said from purely cost-time perspective its not effective to dump this much money and that will have repercussions including from parent- child position. This is based on a collective results, I wouldn’t be speaking this much without results at hand. Instead of being analytical, improvising and asking question like :-"

1.what is taught in school ?
2. what skills does my kid get?
3. what kinda environment is in school and how well the kid would do in real world ?
4. Is there a way to less cost?
5.how efficient is this from cost- time perspective? what are the nuances?
6. what were the cause & effects of your friends going rogue? what can I learn, improvise and be better parent and mentor my kid as a father? "
7. how good is local boards for students for IIT , should one necessarily in cbse and pay for costs?

instead he says:-

  1. stfu, who are you to judge me?
  2. How can you say like this
  3. you are younger to me, unmarried don’t talk on this.
  4. say it generally don’t point me
  5. others are doing this , most herd is doing this, so this correct only. You should accept this is reality.
  6. I won’t bother looking at your collective data & results and analyze & learn, I know what I am doing is right :rofl: :rofl:

Man I am not going to waste my time with these people who don’t look things analytically & logically, are not data driven and will ignore the results altogether, and maybe then later cry & curse badly. Its plain herd mentality and that exists pretty much everywhere.

anyway man , lets keep trading qna clean and neat. All of us here are having same goals, doesn’t matter the methods or approaches. Results will speak for itself. I certainly don’t want this place to become like reddit or twitter.

Good day to you sir!

my god. i am now feeling guilty to have created this thread !!!

Agreed! I deleted all posts. But we need to drilldown on education costs to find minimums there. Kid’s education surely does play a factor in the budget. For that there is lot of factors to discuss and there plenty of ramifications, plenty of analysis based on cost-time effectiveness, existing feedback and to come down on what is minimum for kid’s education.

Point taken.

Healthcare & Education has witnessed a spike in costs. While both being essential services - there is a clear demarcation of the level of treatment based on the cash you have.

Student admissions are denied if the parents arent well connected. Hospital emergencies are denied if they find you are unable to afford.

While a majority of people would say - well i can afford it. It may not be the case going forward.

is too steep by any standards - unless its a high risk pregnancy. The cost of normal delivery in my town in a decent hospital is 30k including room for 2 days.

When I meant expenses to deliver a baby I meant all the expenses which come along with it. My doctor charges itself came to 50k and including all other expenses hospital bill was around 80k for a normal delivery.

Not sure if it’s there anywhere else, but in my locality and community we have a caretaker for mother and baby for 40 days. You may say we can avoid this, but since elders say this is very much required for mothers and baby’s good health I couldn’t take a chance. They oil both mother and baby, help them in bathing, cook food separately for them and so on. So there another 60k goes. And then there are medicine costs. Some vaccines to be given. A painless one comes around 8k. There is one which is available but then baby will have fever for 3 days. Do not forget every month for 9 months we have to visit the doctor. Scan and tests. That comes to 10 to 15k. So when I mentioned 1.5L I included all of these costs. I am from Mangalore which is around 360 kms away from Bangalore. And costs in bangalore are at least 3 times of that in my city.

Apologies if my earlier post wasn’t clear. I kept it short but yeah I could have said the expenses in connection to birth of a child is 1.5lakhs instead of just saying delivering.

You are a CA. When the doctor/hospital come to you for filing taxes or getting their books audited, recover your costs by overcharging them.:grin:

Ssshhhhhhh. :grimacing:

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After some calculations i have revised the figure of Rs46800 per family per month (net take home) to live just above the poverty line in 2023.

  • house rental: 150000
  • food, medicine & other groceries: 13000
  • mobile, internet, power, maintenance: 3500
  • commutation expense: 2800
  • 2 children education fees + travel + stationery: 12500
  • other savings/spending: 0

i have calculated with the -

  1. living expenses in kochi, kids studying in cbse school, and work place ~ 10km from residence
  2. the residence does not have another monthly maintenance (which is quite usual for apartments)
  3. both husband and wife are employed & they have zero debt, zero EMIs, no loans & no other assets or liabilities
  4. they have not employed a maid or servant.
  5. All 4 does not have any serious medical conditions
  6. petrol is 105/l, tomato is 21/kg, onion is 29/kg, milk 52/l, rice is 45/kg, atta 42/kg, egg: 5.5/pc
  7. the income tax is assumed to be zero
  8. the insurance premium per month is assumed to be zero

you are welcome to do a bit research in your city & update - lets see where it goes !

Only problem is cabinet union disagrees with you

I definitely don’t think it’s a topic to continue as I come across ppl that earn 1cr and still think they are middle class. Best to use govt scales than chalk out by ourselves. Remember tax slabs weren’t created out of thin air just like that without study.

IMO, as this is very subjective topic, there is no right or wrong answer.
There cannot be one.

It’s a fun mental exercise for folks who want to

  • try lookup some references,
  • carry out a few calculations,
  • derive conclusions…

(Basically good “market research” practice for investment/trading)