Why is 25000 CE 12 Apr BNKNIFTY Trading at 160?

On the NSE Option chain it’s showing 114 for 25000 CE https://www.nseindia.com/live_market/dynaContent/live_watch/option_chain/optionKeys.jsp?symbolCode=-9999&symbol=BANKNIFTY&symbol=BANKNIFTY&instrument=OPTIDX&date=-&segmentLink=17&segmentLink=17

But on kite LTP is 160. Why is this so?

There was exchange mock trading on saturday. We had some testing of the platform to do. So the prices that marketwatch shows is the price on the mock trading day.

We usually dont’ let Kite tick on these days, but we had to last weekend as we had to test something out. Hence the LTP prices on marketwatch and holdings/positions will be as per the mock trading prices on saturday.

Here is the calendar.


Prices will correct as soon as trading starts.

Ohh okay Thanks for the clarification.