Why Many of Streak Strategy Results after brokerage final p&L is Negative

That took a lot of fine tuning of my execution. Can’t really compress everything i did in a few paragraphs.

I can only give you broad strokes of what anyone can do to have a good charges-profit ratio.

*examine the logic of your strategies, if they have actual theoretical edge

*crunch numbers, you should gather as much data as possible to backtest and build a mathematical model around your system

*the one very understated, is the brokerage difference on trade size:

you pay over 2% of your option premium as charges vs only 0.24% if you have good size.
i.e, you’re paying almost 10x of the charges if you trade 1 lot vs 36 lots
Even with free brokarge, you’ll be paying significantly higher with small size but it will help
(yeah, very unfair but that’s the way it is)

Ok. I am an option buyer. You have quoted the breakeven, and I am not sure how much it would come help for me , since I am a buyer.
What I saw is, I get 4.5 RS as STT and transaction charges for X25 quantities
And 146 stt and transaction charges for x900 quantities.
Does that mean , quantities have no advantage when it comes to lowering charges, when you are a buyer ?

Except brokerage which is flat, every other line item under the transaction charges head is % of trade value. So these will scale with quantity.

Correction: if you exclude brokerage, you end up paying the same % as charges.

Every option you buy, you sell to square off the trade. Every option you sell, you buy to square off the trade.

In any case, the first two points i mentioned should be of priority, in that order.