Government to impose 0.5% Swachh Bharat cess on services from November 15, that will be another tax to a middle class and increases the service tax to 14%…
you will have to pay tax of 50 piase on every hundred rupees worth of taxable services
Do you know that only 3% of India pay taxes? Also among the 3% paying taxes, there is huge evasion by the rich people.
So basically, 3% of the population are paying taxes to build infra for 100% of the population. Countries like US, it is 45% of the population.
So yes, we can blame govt and all, but unless this changes, don’t see how India can become a super power that it should be.
When there is a deficit, govt is forced to collect taxes through other ways, education cess, higher edu cess, now Swachh bharat cess.
So yeah service tax goes up from 14% to 14.5%. It went to 14% not too long back from 12.36%. Will it be a burden, for sure, but don’t think will affect much.