Zerodha QOL Which would make trading easy

Hello, i have a Quality of life suggestion to make trading easier by saving time switching to tabs. Also news alerts like Quarterly results just posted, good/bad news etc will be great help for traders.

If one has 10 positions? Also seeing M2M and trading in not right thing to do.

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scroll bar will fix it. and what will be the issue with m2m and trade?

It will clutter the whole platform. Also adding these will give less space to charts. Seeing m2m every-time will divert individuals attention and can lead them to act irrationally. This is not my finding but of most experienced traders. You can see lot of gyan on these kind of things in this thread. You can say you won’t be diverted but most of them will do, it is subjective.

@siva boss, that is why I want to find out how to remove Holdings from Dashboard. Holdings should be in Portfolio, which like many of our marriages we should remember once a year only

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