Contribution of EPF to NPS Benefits, Impacts

Recently came thru news that Employee can transfer his PF Amt to his NPS, so on this I want to know something,

I want to know that from employees salary 12% of basic is contributed to EPF by company.

So if any employee wants to transfer this amount OR start contributing EPF amount to his NPS instead of his EPF, then what are the points to be consider before doing this - Tax benefits, it’s impact on his contribution amount, things to consider.

search more videos on nps in this channel.

Each investment have pro & cons. so choose according to your style of inversting. in today time no scheme or investment guarantee returns, but the long term and patience investing always fruitful.

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NPS is not EEE.

When withdrawing, you can withdraw upto 60% tax free. Rest is converted to annuity and taxed as per slab.

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