Need more entry conditions on streak

Please enable more than 5 entry conditions from June. Five is too less

I dont have experience with streak but I have written few algos of my own. If you need more than 5 parameters for decision making I think your strategy will rarely execute. 5 is enough in my view.

Simple algos like cross overs also work, but on an average, only 60% of the scrips give positive results.I look for confirmation of around 8 parameters and we will have at least two scrips everyday which satisfy the condition and I have seen 90% wins and some times 100% with around 15 scrips.You ll find your single parameter satisfying scrips directly by 9.25 am on nse site , ie scrips which are around 1.5% up or down.But we need something more and this is what algos are meant for

Dear Sir,

We will share the feedback to the tech team.

As of now you can add 5 entry and 5 exit based condition on a single algo.

I cant too much on this as I havent used streak, but the basic point I am trying to tell applies everywhere.
All parameters agreeing in unison is rare ! At a point in time, out of 8 parameters 5 will agree to a “buy” and the other 3 will say “not yet,wait”. The more parameters you have the lesser the chances of a signal being triggered. …and you would need something like python/java to bring all 8 of them on the same page. Simple streak can do it for sure !!! Even the relatively more flexible PINE SCRIPT cant do it. This is all I wanted to say.