6.80% GS 2060 Half Yearly Interest Payout dates and Indicative Yield

Couple of queries

  1. Where to check the Half Yearly payout dates for 6.8% GS2060
  2. Cut off amount per unit is showing as 106 for face value 100, Is this dirty price ?
  3. Indicate yield is mentioned as 6.67%
  4. If the price is 106, then yield will be 6.41%, Please clarify my understanding.

@Bhuvan can you.

This support page will be helpful. For that specific G-Sec (6.80% GS 2060), the payout dates can be found in this Press release

Thank you Prayag for answering #1.

Can someone clarify remaining queries…pls

Bhuvan explained about this in a different thread -