75% of all Yes Bank shares held will be blocked for 3 years

Hi Majibul, it is always best to do your own thorough research and analysis and make a informed decision. If you are new to markets would suggest you read through Varsity, will help you learn all about Stock Markets.

Hi Sir…
Is it advisable to buy 10k shares of YesBank at this stage and hold it for long terms, say it for 2-3 years.? will it be worthy?

It is always best to do your own thorough research and analysis and make a informed decision. If you are new to markets would suggest you read through Varsity, will help you learn all about Stock Markets.

Can you tell me please that if I sold any yes bank share which I bought after 13th March then what will be the buying price of that shares , is still FIFI metho is used with 75% of Lock in period shares?

You can view breakdown of your buy price on Holdings in Console.

Shares in lock-in period cannot be sold, those which aren’t in lock-in will be sold in FIFO method.

75% of all Yes Bank shares held will be blocked for 3 years. Will the price change of the locked shares. If they do so. .could anyone elaborate please.
Thank You

When these shares are out of lock-in period, you can sell them at whatever price Yes Bank stock will be trading at that time.

my shares were locked at the price of 39.15…now when i check its 18.85 ???what’s going on any idea. Please help.
Thank You

You might have bought them at 39.15, before they are lock-in but their current value will be according to Yes Bank’s current market price only.

This works just like it normally does, only difference is you cannot sell these shares for a period of 3 years.

Shares aren’t locked at certain value, the value of shares you hold will change according to price of Yes Bank stock.

Is this restriction applicable even now in December 2020?

There is no restriction if you purchase shares now, only the shares purchased on or before 13th March 2020 will be in lock-in period for three years.

Can anyone tell me in zerodha to revoke POA (power of attorney) ? what is the process

You can revoke your POA for this you will have to send a POA revocation letter. You can raise a ticket here, team will assist you.

This rule is for what?

After 13 march holdings or before 13 march holdings?

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Shares bought on or before 13th March 2020.

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When will the locked in shares start showing in the demat a/c of Zerodha , is it 13th Mar 2023 ?

The tentative expiration date for the lock-in period is March 13th, 2023. However, no official information has been received from the exchange in this regard. The locked-in shares of Yes Bank will show up on Kite holdings, and you will be allowed to sell once the lock-in expires.