A lot of traders aren't able to find Finnifty Spot

I know, i can type “index fin” and get the finnifty spot chart. But most people dont know about typing “index” first,

They type “finnifty” or “nifty fin”, “nifty financial” etc and nowhere in the result, the spot chart is available. I’m part of a few telegram groups and expiry trading is getting popular. And everyday most of the people aren’t able to find the spot chart and i have explain it to them.

So make finnifty spot chart easily accesible on typing “fin” or “nifty fin”

@nithin @Arockiya_Raja @MohammedFaisal

It does show up the right contracts by using finnifty or nifty fin.

I’m talking about the Spot chart. I’m NOT talking about derivative contracts based on fin nifty.

The Spot Chart is not visible on typing “nifty fin” or “fin nifty”


@Arockiya_Raja can you check on this.

Noted, this will be fixed soon.

This is still not fixed. I have to type “index fin” to find finnifty spot. Most traders dont know about typing “index” first.

Why cant we get the spot on typing “finnifty” or “niftyfin”. Come on.

Showing upto 3 months of illiquid futures and 3000 point away otm illiquid options but not the spot.
@nithin @Arockiya_Raja

This was already raised to the tech team. This isn’t a straightforward. Will try to address this in a week or two.

Still can’t find the spot chart.
In other platforms, it is right there!!! Its such a basic request.

For time being, type “nifty fin serv” to find the financial services spot.