A new feature like kill switch

Hi Nithin Ji,

I am writing you to inform about a feature I needed to get out of options but trap. Please bring a similar kill switch which allow you to buy options worth 20-30 thousand in a day.

I have lost a lot of money in options but after studying I am now options seller. But, my emotions are not in control, I but options to gain money easily and loose more.

If you introduce this feature it will help me a lot.



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Then maybe you should move to only investing equities, we can bring out nudges but end of the day it is on the user to manage their emotions, said that we have plans to nudge users when they are buying options based on some preset percent level to their account, will take sometime though.

If your trades are not working well, you must switch to some other strategy or some other asset. There is no point of trying your luck over there and then losing money. It’s better to switch to stocks or other equities and then trade over there so that you can earn good.