Afl for yesterday high & yesterday low

condion yesteday high & low

sell condtion = if today high break yesterday high condition true

than candel again reverse yesterday high down side break it sell & sl was today high

buy condtion = if today bar low break yesterday low condition true

than candel again break yesterday low up side it buy & sl was today

For the above condition check the given AFL code  of   Day Low - High System you can change periods or number of days as oer yoru requirement

_SECTION_BEGIN("10 Day High Low System");
pds = Optimize("pds" ,10,2,25, 1); 
 CB = LLV(C,pds); 
 CS = HHV(C,pds); 
 mav = TEMA(C,50); 

 Plot(Ref(CB, -1),"Long setup",colorBrightGreen); 
 Plot(Ref(CS, -1),"Short setup",colorRed) ; 
 Plot(Ref(mav, -1),"MA", colorGold, styleThick) ; 
 Buy= C < Ref(CB,-1); 
 Buy = Ref(Buy,-1); 
 BuyPrice = O; 
 Sell = C > Ref(CS,-1); 
 Sell = Ref(Sell,-1) ; 
 SellPrice = O; 
 Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell) ; 
 Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy) ; 
 SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowDates) ; 
 GraphXSpace = 5; 
 Plot(C,"C",colorWhite, 64); 
 PlotShapes(IIf( Buy,shapeSmallUpTriangle, 0),colorWhite, layer = 0,
yposition = BuyPrice, offset = 0 ); 
 PlotShapes(IIf( Sell,shapeDownArrow,0),colorYellow, layer = 0,
yposition = SellPrice, offset = 0 ); 

pls give another AFL PLS