Any sites like finviz for Indian stocks? is excellent for a quick look at stocks and get all the information at a glance, even with the charts and trendlines etc etc.

Are there any similar websites for the Indian stocks which provide the same sophistication and quality?

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I think the only one that’s come somewhat close is TickerTape and even that lacks a huge lot of features you usually see in FinViz. But if you want some info like Institutional Ownership buying selling patterns try MorningStar. But unfortunately there isn’t any site like FinViz as per my knowledge. And exchanges in India don’t share Short Float percentages which sucks to be honest.


The information density on Finviz is indeed unmatched by any of its Indian peers.

The closest that I have come across is Ticker (example stock), which allows viewing a lot of the information on a single page itself

Other than that, there is -

  • Tickertape (example stock) - as recommended in the thread above

  • MorningStar (example stock) - as recommended in the thread above

In case you are interested, Nithin explained why this is the case in an old thread -


More than the information I like that they show the chart with the relevant trendlines as well. If one is watching say 20-30 stocks it saves a lot of time, if the chart looks promising I would next look at the earning etc etc but not, I just move on…

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I really liked Tojori Finance. Thanks for sharing.

I will check this out Thank you.