Any timeline for STP on Coin?

The heading basically. Some bonds and old policies are maturing and STP is the absolute need of the hour (for me). I am very dependant on the Zerodha ecosystem hence don’t want to use any other platform just for this.

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A few more days and this will be live, thanks for your patience :slight_smile:

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Great. Thanks for the update.

Hi, any update on this? :relieved:

Not yet, will post an update here shortly.

Hi @Neelesh
It has been three months since confirmation of an imminent launch of this feature. Could you please provide an update on the current timeline? Are there any specific regulatory or IT implementation hurdles causing the delay?

We regret the delay here, but we have been working on a few major backend tech stack upgrades. These changes are significant, which is why it’s taking longer than expected. Rest assured, this will be live in a few days

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Any update on when STP feature will be live?

Hi @Neelesh
Any update on when STP feature would be available in coin? I’m currently considering setting up an investment plan and want to know if Coin would be supporting this feature in near future as it would help me to make a decision about which platform to use considering long term investment plan. Any insights regarding it would be highly appreciated. Thanks.

I see a couple of replies but we need an exact timeline for STP rollout on Coin ? I see the questions /requests on this feature from 2017 !!

Hi @Neelesh any update on rollout of STP feature in coin? Atleast the month and year?

I guess this feature will rollout after my retirement.


I am hurt. My retirement is 29 years away :frowning:

@Neelesh - Any further update on STP feature in coin. Require this feature on priority basis for better asset allocation and investment management

few more days… its been 8 months since few more days…
just make it live… even if its with less features…

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Since the markets are high, I wanted to keep my investments in debt and start STP from a coin, but Zerodha coin has not given this feature.
Please give us the ETA else , we move our funds to some where else

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Hi Neelesh,
Can you let us know what is the exact issue in rolling out the STP feature?
Since this is not an industry wide problem and other broking companies have already rolled out this feature, pls let us know if it is a tech challenge or regulatory challenge or something else?

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It’s a ‘Coin doesn’t make us any money’ issue. BTW, You can import your coin holdings on Groww and do an STP on Groww with your Coin holdings.

We will be launching in a few days shared the updates here


Any updates?