NSE has take up the initiative of educating people about the markets. Their initiative is called NSE Paathshaala. You can register for it here: http://nseindia.com/NP/nse_paathshaala.htm
If you’d like to learn more you can always read books. Some references here:
Well Mr.Venu the NSE Paathshaala site is a horrible site. Personally myself registered a month back but till now i vaven’t placed a single order yet. The problem with this site is its just getting hanged everytime. Another problem is one you create a market watch and add some scripts then later you can’t add new scripts. For that you have to create another market watch. Well the NSE intiative is good but they will have to look whether its working properly and in case of any trading issues they will have to solve it. But i find there has been no initiative on the NSE part.
There three types of training available on stock market trading in bangalore . choose one that meets your requirement
Bookish and theoretical knowledge providers -There are mainy Institutes ICICI academy,NSE Market Institute , etc which offer classroom training and certification on capital markets they charge fees around Rs 45000 they provide basic knowledge on equity market products IPO, futures, options, how to open demat account, how to calculate EPS, basics of candle sticks, mutual funds etc etc .This is good for beginners or people who lazy to read free stuff zerodha varsity or youtube . With this knowledge you can enter markets but cannot trade in market.
Snake oil sellers ( Market gurus/twitter heros ) - Pseudo intellectuals Like Vishal & Yogeshwar regularly conduct workshops and seminars . To attract crowd they display screenshots of trades. They are more like stand up comedians who will entertain you with jokes and weird trading techniques . Even after attending their programs you will loose money in market , but they make money by charging 60k to 7 lakhs as course free.Attend these workshops if you tons of money and want good entertainment( Double meaning jokes or unwanted motivational talks .
3. Trading Mentors -I Found three good mentors who are bit expensive but provide good hand on experience on Trading and technical analysis
a) Dr Musa Kaiser of Bangalore investors club, very humble and very knowledgeable person on markets . He conducts extensive training on Candlesticks you can reach him on Bangalore Investors Club - BIC
b) Dr Kumar - He is a expert on trend analysis and options trading . He combines technical analysis with data analysis which gives edge in identifying market direction . He conducts weekend class in Jayanagar and hebbal . He can be reached via whatsapp 7676938934. I have Learnt trading from him and happy with his mentorship
c) Sandeep rao - who is quant specialist and expert on scaping nifty and banknifty futures NIFTYScalper | Sandeep Rao