Hello! We are Tickertape, your one-stop platform for all the stock analysis you need to make smart investment decisions.
So, what are the various stock analysis tools you can use on Tickertape?
And what can you do with these tools?
Our intuitive Screener is easy, simple to use, and customisable. Apart from using readymade screens: Basic, Premium, and F&O that filter stocks based on various parameters such as sector, income, financial ratio, market cap, quick cash conversions cycle, 52 lows, and close price, you can also create your own screens using over 130 filters, each of which has a range you can tinker.
Stock Pages
Once you customise your screener to sort stocks based on specific parameters, you can delve deeper and assess individual stocks in the Stock Page by simply clicking on your chosen stock. With our Stock Page, you can access exhaustive information about a stock and evaluate its performance based on analyst’s buy rating, key drivers, and other areas that matter to you. Here, you can access the price chart, company profile, forecast and ratings, peers, and financial trends, and news of a stock.
Market Mood Index
Market Mood Index indicates the market/investor’s sentiment and has four emotional zones: extreme fear, fear, greed and extreme greed. Looking at the market sentiment and analysing historical data helps your strategise your enter and exit times.
Finally, in the Learn section, learn or brush up your knowledge of stock investing.
The Learn page is a treasure trove of rich information that gives insights into various modules covering topics such as Elementary Economics, Equity Markets, Investing in portfolios and evaluating stocks.