BANKNIFTY 2600+ Points Profits - BALLE BALLE Moment!

This is the best moment in my trading career! Period.

I have been able to catch a massive trade in BankNifty, 2600+ running profits.

Thank you god!


i deserve a small treat from you :grinning:

Congratulation, Bro :innocent:

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I would love to meet fellow traders. We should infact come together on a meetup or something.

where do you stay ?

@Meher_Smaran this is the paid telegram guy. See where this is going?


Next station… razor pay marg


@Wotzzup , Congrats on spotting this move.

I hope there won’t be any discussion related to telegram groups or paid services here as it is strictly against the forum guidelines

We hope to see more charts upfront and other market discussion here from you going forward:) Welcome to TradingQ&A


so another post with 2 new accs speaking to each other for meetup. anyone who believe this and meet irl is going to get beaten and looted big time.


Sir, What’s your view for tomorrow? Can we go to 53k tomorrow. I am holding 53000ce. Can it double?


I dont own or plan to own any telegram groups. I had an idea I wanted to discuss, thats all. Didnt know this too is filled with baby cribbers. I have sent an email directly to SEBI support. So, thanks, but no thanks.

BLR. and U?

Thanks @Meher_Smaran

I am not active much on social media. Whenever Iam here, I will try to add more value to the platform.

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WB. Nice to meet with you

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Your first topic was about “Telegram Group”, then you changed it to “Paid Telegram Group”. Your 2nd topic is about “Balle Balle” . You are not fooling anyone. These are not the kind of threads a good Tqna member makes here… and definitely not as a new member…

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So what if Iam discussing abt Paid telegram? So, communities are to discuss any thing one wants. Provided, the discussions adheres to the community guidelines. If I have violated any guidelines, just ban me. Topic over! And pls go chill, its not worth doing these silly things on the internet.

Right you are. So Stop!

Lol, ok sir.

Guys leave, only contribute meaningfully. Share charts and analysis!

Saar, I need tips saar- on today’s expiry :rofl:

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