So many of these redemption reports emails have no exit load value… it is confusing as in was it 0? or was it omitted due to a bug.
Please mention 0 in case of 0.
So many of these redemption reports emails have no exit load value… it is confusing as in was it 0? or was it omitted due to a bug.
Please mention 0 in case of 0.
Checking this.
@ShubhS9 @Neelesh See screenshots of order history. Redemption under 15 days but no exit load in email.
See last entry order date 5-november for edelweiss gold and silver etf
If the units are redeemed/switched out on or before 15 days from date of allotment: 0.10%If the units are redeemed/switched out on after 15 days from the date of allotment: Nil.
Also see formatting of fund name to be wrong. B'...'
The sell order was placed on 15 November. so it’s not yet visible in the report. Redemption mail was received on 19 november.
exit load is empty even in base64 decoded message source
Please put zero when you’re sure that exit load is 0. Don’t leave it missing
The exchange is working on fixing this, as there is some issues with the details coming in those relevant columns via APIs. This will take a few days to be fixed.
it doesn’t seem fixed as of today.
Yep, the exchange is taking longer than expected.