Buy Average for Share transfer


I have moved my shares from the old broker to Zerodha.

I find the buy average as N/A and in console, I have an option to add the buy price.

But these shares were bought a very long time ago, don’t know the date & buy price.

So now what can I do? Please help @ShubhS9 @siva

@Nakul can you.

I think you should try checking your email Inbox for contract note if that broker has sent you via email.

That’s also not available, don’t find those emails also.

Shall I enter current market price and date?

Any problem will come if we enter current price and date?

How many years back you bought those?

It’s my dad’s account, he has bought 15 year back

ok, so long term tax will be applicable but buy price is required to file tax returns. Temporarily you can put 15 year old price but after selling and filing taxes actual price is required.
I think RTAs may know the date once date is known we can know share price.