Buy average is reflected wrong

Dear @nithin
I have been facing a lot of issues with respect to the wrong buy average updated on my zerodha account. I have raised multiple tickets as the buy average which is shown is very different than what I have purchased. moreover there is also been a incident wheere the buy average which was shown in the portfolio was right but the one shown in the demat was wrong. I am very upset with the service and hereby request you to take a personal look as to why this is happening again and again. Buy average is one of the most important and most easy thing to be tabbed when it comes to trading and when such errors happen it could lead to unnecessary losses
Pls do take a personal look into the matter and kindly rectify this as there might be traders whos average has been shown wrong and they might not be aware of the same to.
Thank you

Hi @RajveerRanawat

Is it for your stock delivery trades or F&O Positions?

The calculation of the buy average price follows the First In, First Out (FIFO) method for both delivery and even F&O trades as mandated by the Income Tax Act.

Can you please share your client ID with me in DM? Will get this checked and get back to you.

It is for stock delivery trades. Also could you assist on how is DM to be done.

I am a new user and am not allowed to DM on tradingqna

Please share your ID here and delete it. I’ll make a note

Will check. Deleting the comment as sharing details on a public forum is not recommended

Thanks a ton!