Call short or long Put short or long

Hi, I just want to know how we can identify from the open interest data like How many put short or long v.v. call short or call long for short and long position.

I am also new to options and option trading…
I heared from someone …that in option chain we have to give focus on the OTM part and we have to analyze the option chain in the view of option seller… … And if we do so… Then calls OI gives us the potential resistance and puts OI give us the potential support in the market. …

OI is generally the total number of contract traded that is change hands at that price…

We use PCR to determine the overall bias of the market…

That is from my side… I respect the options experts to rectify this if needed… Your replies will be highly appreciated… :pray::pray:

What you are referring to here is Volume.

Open Interest is total number of outstanding contracts in the market.

You can watch this video by Sensibull, which explains how to interpret Open Interest.

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