Can I add an Exponential Moving RSI Average over an RSI Indicator on Kite?

I saw a video on this but it is for Pi. Is it also available in Kite? Can you add one indicator over another indicator on Kite?

You can add an indicator over another indicator on both Pi and Kite. So you can add an RSI indicator, and you can add moving average on the RSI. Here is the link:

First, add RSI on the chart and then select moving average from the dropdown. Instead of selecting adding moving average to the closing price, choose add moving average on RSI."

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please mention code for pi sceener the same

which drop down? can you please post a screenshot, please

Dear Bhuvanesh,

This is not working for me, somehow RSI is not coming in drop-down menu.

No idea where I m getting wrong.

Thanks in advance.

Click the down arrow of the MA, and select Merge Down

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I am trying to add Weighted moving average to RSI in Zerodha Trading view charts. Merge down moves the MA in the RSI panel but it still calculates MA on Close. I want it to calculate and Plot MA of RSI, please help how to configure it. Its hard really hard to believe its not possible in Trading view

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It works on ChartIQ.
Thank you.
