Can we modify legs of bracket order? Sometimes it is really needed to modify the squareoff limit leg becoz price doesn't move upto expected ticks after execution of order and we can't modify it

Yes, you can modify the square off leg for Bracket Order. I guess you are right clicking on the order and clicking Modify button.

The way to modify is this- place cursor on the Square off leg of Bracket Order in Order Book. Then, click on Modify push-button available on the bottom of order book, Hope this answers your query

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Thanks Andrew for your reply but I tried to modify its squareoff limit leg and everytime it showed some error after entering new price.

could you post the error message here?

I will definitely post here soon after seeing it again because i didn’t remembered the exact error msg showed at that time. :slight_smile:

What platform are you using, have u tried web platform? i mean Z5

As I am new to zerodha… it may take some time to get used to. I am currently using zerodha desktop app n yes I have dowoaded the latest one. Zerodha is really awesome :slight_smile:

i recently saw z5 after hearing from you and it is really good. very simple interface, there is cover order but no bracket order.

Right, no Bracket Order in Z5. But you can post the error, i could be able to tell the solution

I clicked right on bracket order limit square off leg and chose the option modify price. But unfortunately the price didn’t modified and some error msg appeared on screen. The exact error msg I have not remember right now but I will tell you after doing the same procedure again and will note down the error msg. :slight_smile:

Niranjan is there any difference when I right click on the pending order and choose the option modify price or modifying the order from the modify button given below the page? Because I didn’t used the modify button at the bottom of the page, I just right clicked on the open order and tried to modify the price.

You need to modify only from Modify button in bottom half of order book, as mentioned above

Thanks niranjan… Next time I will use modify button below and tell you whether it was successful or not :slight_smile:

Yes. harshit you can modify like niranjan said.

Thanks Astro, I will do the same next tym :slight_smile:

Thanks… it worked :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: